Any TOOTHPASTE You Want, We Have It, or We Can Make It, Your Formula or ours. With Floride or With out Fluoride. Any Flavor You Want or You Dont Want.
Any Color TOOTHPASTE You Want or No color at all, Any Texture, Paste, Gel, Gel Paste, Table Form, Swirls, Clear, White.

Any Container you want, need, our stock containers, your container, specialty container, Tubes, Bottles, Jars, Pails, Buckets, Bags, Plastic, Paper, Metal, Drum, Stick.

~~~ BASES ~~~

We have bases of all kinds, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Essential oil, Lip Balm, Soap, Shea Butter bases are the bulk or the main part of the ingredients of the product.
From the base you make your product or formula how you want it. Make it your way or add nothing and use as is.
All bases come Fragrance Free, Color Free, Tasteless, Viscous ~ Thickā€¦From the base you Add what you want or Add nothing. We can help you, if you want, or not help if that is what you want. Our Bases are here for you We are here for you ……………Ask you’ll see.

Any Flavor or Color Can Be Added To Any Base Type You Want

Flavors Available

or any flavor you can think of

Choose any Color base or no Color base at all

Colors Available

or any color you have or can think of.

Other Bulk Base's

Bases are Color Free and Fragrance Free. Add Colors and Fragrances as desired.

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